
Showing posts from August, 2024

The 10X journey - how I rediscovered my essential self

Its been a while since my last blog entry. My journey to my essential self just had started back then. It started with a coaching call. I attended a group call and I was brave enough to bring up my issues infront of the group and get a one to one coaching session. I had some profound insights and my world began shifting.  It was a 10X experience how I know now.  3 months later and after starting a wonderful programme with a bit an eccentric name - 10X -  I know the call back then was a stepping stone to the discovery of my essential self. What is the essential self?  It is who I am, who I truly am - my desires, my needs, my dreams and my passions. It is that child inside of me that has no idea yet of what shame and guilt are. That looks at the world with shining eyes full of excitement and joy. That has an open heart full of love and compassion. It is ME - waiting to be seen, acknowledged and cared for - by myself! When I treat my essential self well, I practice selflove. I have learnt