The 10X journey - how I rediscovered my essential self

Its been a while since my last blog entry. My journey to my essential self just had started back then. It started with a coaching call. I attended a group call and I was brave enough to bring up my issues infront of the group and get a one to one coaching session. I had some profound insights and my world began shifting. 

It was a 10X experience how I know now. 

3 months later and after starting a wonderful programme with a bit an eccentric name - 10X -  I know the call back then was a stepping stone to the discovery of my essential self.

What is the essential self? 

It is who I am, who I truly am - my desires, my needs, my dreams and my passions. It is that child inside of me that has no idea yet of what shame and guilt are. That looks at the world with shining eyes full of excitement and joy. That has an open heart full of love and compassion. It is ME - waiting to be seen, acknowledged and cared for - by myself!

When I treat my essential self well, I practice selflove.

I have learnt all this with the help of two wonderful coaches and a group of like minded people. A safe space among people that listen to, learn from and support each other. I had dozens of insights, the knowledge about my essential self, about how to love myself and that I am enough, just to name a few. I am happy to share with anyone who would like to know more, who got curious about 10X. 

I am living the life - my life, fully enjoying what I do and who I am. That's big, as during almost all of last year I was trying to fill a void, not being enough for myself. 

I am enjoying the daily internal work that comes with the coaching programme, concentrating on me, reflecting on my past, my present and creating awareness of myself - my needs, my underlying limiting beliefs, thoughts and emotions, patterns learnt in the past to guard my essential self and how to reach my desired state. I am smiling now, writing these lines -  I am happy :)

Moshi has become my home over the last months. I have moved to a house in which I really feel comfortable. I spend more and more time at home, in the coffee fields nearby running or biking and with new friends and colleagues eating out. I have decided to create as many memorable experiences as possible and have started organising camping trips. My next post will be about the first of those.

I want to share this quote from Marianne Williamson with you as it deeply resonated with me:

"It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. 

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabolous? 

Actually, who are you NOT to be? 

You are a child of the Universe. 

Your playing small does not serve the world. 

We are all meant to shine, as children do. 

As we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 

As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Lots of Love from me here :)


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