
 The curve drawn into the air by a pendulum swinging from side to side. 

Everything in life is a balance between dichotomies, everything in life is about balance, everything in life is balance.

I am Balance. 

I climbed a mountain in the vast plains of Tanzania. We started at midnight in a beautiful moonlight soaked atmosphere a light breeze and perfect temperature. The trail was meandering through tall grass, were sudden gusts of wind would let the grass sing. Our sweat was not sticky as the air was dry and still warm from the heat of the day. Once we climbed further up the night laid its blanket on us, the temperature dropping and the wind bringing us chills. One layer after the other, we protected us from the cold until we couldnt find more layers and started freezing as soons as we stopped for a break. In the few hours before sunrise only constantly moving and hiding behind huge boulders would give us warmth. Only the anticipation of the sun rising and with it its warm appearance giving us hope. Once we reached the summit our hands were numb but the views so stunning to distract our minds from the physical pain. The sun rose quickly and took off one layer after the other. Enjoying the descent in the shadow of the mountain we saw it vanishing. And suddenly we were naked to the sun, looking for protection again. The relentless heat making us walk faster in the distance the glimpses of our cars as safe havens from the relentless heat and radiation of the sun.

Protection and relief from cold and heat is so deeply ingrained in us, existential, life giving and life saving, comforting and satisfying. We constantly strive to keep the balance of our bodies temperatures. We dont think about it. Our body speaks in continous patterns we understand and we respond to – balance being the curve of temperature. Pleasure here is in the lowest amplitudes, it confines a small window, like a dance on a ridge and we dance it every day.

To balance is to dance.

Balance is dance. 

I am Dance.

We know where balance is -- in all aspects of our life. The body knows and signals it our mind. Our mind knows how to listen. With subtle moves we master the constant dance, the art of balance. In all aspects of our life.

Balance and dance are flow – no resistance, regret or fight serving them but energy, love and presence.

I am Energy.

I am Love.

I am Presence.


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