The core of it all

 A whirlwind of thoughts now this years end approaches fastly,

taking the time to reflect:

I am watching the palm trees bending in the wind,

the waves constantly breaking and pushing water onto the shore. 

The sounds of the wind and the cicadas the perfect anchor for my spinning mind. 

The light wind stroking my bare skin.

How to put this year into words, capturing the essence by feeling the truth,

 recognizing the core of it all.

It is LOVE.

This year a journey to my Self, discovering all that there was and is to See, to Feel, to BE.

Unleashing all the Love that I have for myself, my loved ones, my mother, my brother, my very good friends, my close friends, my 10X tribe family, all new friends, my colleagues new and old ones, all people that I have a beautiful connection with.

But Love is the foundation of everything and for everyone

and it does not end where the ego comes into play – not my own nor the one of others.

Only if I love throughout I can love myself wholly – accepting flaws, judgement, triggers, reactions, anxieties, rejection in and by others – in and by myself.

Love is what I needed and love is what I discovered in myself and all around me.

This world is so beautiful because of Love - in me, in us.

Love is opening doors.

Without Love no kindness, without Love no compassion, without Love no gratitude.

Letting Love guide me has opened my eyes, my world, my heart.

It has changed my life, a transformation throughout,

it was all in me, covered and hidden,

but now its free,

I am free.


I am LOVE.


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